Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Whatz fun in writing Enterprise Software

An interesting essay by Paul Graham on "Why to Not Not Start a Startup" is here. The essay talks about 16 reasons why people don't start startups. Of particular interest is the reason 4 - Not Smart Enough which states "If you don't think you're smart enough to start a startup doing something technically difficult, just write enterprise software. Enterprise software companies aren't technology companies, they're sales companies, and sales depends mostly on effort." This would make you smile at yourself.

What kind of people does a company producing enterprise software want? Great Programmers. NO! Definitely not. From the company's perspective, they need chaps who can roll out things that add value to business, though not technically sound. An average developer picked from the streets who can just produce some working stuff. All that they want is people who dance to their tunes. Put is some soft words - They want people who have faith in the management. This is how things work and no one can change it.

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